Wellcome to angkor wat
Angkor Wat combines two basic plans of Khmer temple architecture: the Temple Mount and the later galleried temples based early Dravidian architecture, including features such ideals. The temple was designed to represent Mount Meru, home of the gods in mythology Hindu: the testimony or moat around about 16 km. Share testimony real castle with a length of 1500 mm x width 1300 mm on a 200 mm main road entering from the west arrived at the castle Central has a length of 250 mm at the top middle of the high's largest kingdoms present height of 65 mm, and outer wall 3.6 kilometers (2.2 mi.) Long is a gallery Each has three galleries corner straight up to the porch. In the center of the temple vertical quincunx of towers. Unlike most of the temples at Angkor Wat faces west, scholars are divided as to the significance of this. The temple has been admired for the grandeur and splendor of this architectural reliefs adorning stretched and due to a variety of angels that decorate the walls.
The name modern Wat means city pagoda in Khmer Angkor means town or city municipal forms brakroet of the word kingdom from Sanskrit word nagara (नगर). [2] Wat is the word Khmer for, it's office on the ground from the Pali word "vatta" (वत्त). [3] before this temple is known as Pisnulok (Parama Vishnuloka in Sanskrit), after the posthumous title of its founder. [4]